By 2019, it’s predicted that 80% of consumer internet traffic will be devoted to watching video. This presents a large opportunity for advertisers, especially those looking to increase the awareness and reach of their branding campaigns.
With advertisers now choosing to reallocate their budget away from TV towards online video platforms, our programmatic experts are trained to get your advert in front of the right viewer at the right time, alongside the most relevant content.
Premium Online Video Publishers
We’ve successfully developed relationships with many of the premium publishers in online video such as YouTube, ITV, Channel4, Yahoo, Sky and more. These relationships mean we have access to the best range of platforms, all designed to maximise your visibility and ROI.
Real-Time Bidding Strategies
Online video is traded programmatically with real-time bidding. This allows advertisers to bid on placements in front of their target audience. If the bid is won, the advert is instantly served to that user. Once we set the bidding strategy this all takes place automatically, giving us the ability to reach millions of users simultaneously. Not only does this improve efficiency in how your budget is spent, but it also lowers the advertisers risk as the investment is spread across numerous premium publishers.
Supporting Branded TV Activity
Online video now provides a great opportunity for advertisers to support their television activity with highly targeted video which reaches users on their smartphones, tablets and desktops. Our advanced targeting platform also has the ability to geo-target, overlay audience data, target specific devices and collect first-party data which can be used to retarget users on other platforms.
Cross-Channel Retargeting
Online video opens up lots of opportunities for digital marketers to collect first-party data, which previously weren’t available with TV. We now have the ability to cookie users who watch your advert, then remarket to them through other advertising formats such as display and social media. This approach creates an integrated digital journey designed to push your consumers down the conversion funnel.